Artist and Lead Chef Marion Cascio

Cooking regularly as a lead chef for Wilbur’s Guest Chef Weekends, artist Marion Cascio is excited to show Wilbur guests another side of her creativity. Marion believes art is a way to let emotions and spiritual transformation come alive on canvas. Marion’s website is:

“Balance” by  Marion Cascio:


Artist and Chef Rachel Fann

Rachel Fann began her painting career in Big Sur after relocating from the San Francisco Bay Area, having lost everything in the Oakland fire in 1991. She is deeply inspired by the intense natural beauty surrounding her and has studied from Bali to Mexico. She has been a chef for the Esalen Institute, The New Camaldoli Hermitage, and has her own catering company called Edible Blessings.

Nopales con la Luna by Rachel Fann

Brilliant Sunset Over Molera by Rachel Fann


Artist Ginny Ray

Wilbur Artist, Virginia Ray, who’s whimsical rustic wall collections are shown in the small dining room, has a new book out. Inspired by a project, The Hair Piece, she created many years ago at Wilbur as a resident artist. Her creative art story weaves the evolution of her unique style of incorporating everyday objects with nature. And shares glimpses of inspirations about life and living without hair learned along the way. She’ll have limited edition copies available during the weekend. Fondly known as Ginny, she lives over on the coast in Ft. Bragg, which influences some of her colorful works on display now. Ginny’s website is:

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