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Wild Ponies at Wilbur

Wild Ponies at Wilbur

Come visit us and t​ake a stroll thr​ough​ the Wilbur Hot Springs​ Nature Preserve​; you might ​just​ catch a glimpse of our recent addition to the Wilbur family: A rescued wild pony herd that was relocated to the 1560 acre Nature Preserve only a few weeks ago. Here...
Introducing Frank

Introducing Frank

DRUM ROLL PLEASE??? INTRODUCING… FRANK THE RED HOUSE CAT …much obliged human… It’s Franklin Charles, to be exact And what they say is true, I am obviously a cat I showed myself only recently, as Marlene (the cat lady) Was so very decent to me I...
Self-Compassion Weekend

Self-Compassion Weekend

Come and join Angela Watrous for her compassion work shop this weekend, and enjoy soaking and hiking while you are here – only a few spots left.
Tell RMIT University why you bathe and what you experience

Tell RMIT University why you bathe and what you experience

The Global Hot Springs Survey is now live at, available in 8 languages including Chinese, Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian and Slovak. The Global Hot Springs Survey forms part of research by the RMIT University School of...