In keeping with the monthly tradition of writing about new experiences from a fresh set of eyes, my wife and I recently went outside our comfort zones to see first hand what the holistic healing powers of a Tibetan Cranial can do for us, and with Robert Helliesen serving as one of Wilbur Hot Springs massage and bodywork providers, we decided to explore this concept and bring our thoughts to you.
Robert will occasionally bring his Tibetan Cranial table to Wilbur’s library and offer complimentary sessions. You can sign up at the front desk or at the massage information kiosk near the kitchen. Robert explained that the Tibetan Cranial is an ancient form of bodywork nearly lost to the world but preserved by his teacher, Shar. The sessions are based on reading pulses and restoring the body’s natural state of optimum balance.
On the particular day that we signed up, I went first and was with Robert in the library for about thirty minutes, and then my wife, Amy, took her turn. We collaborated afterward and talked about what benefits we each experienced. Without exception, we both agreed it was pleasant and very relaxing, and that various symptoms of stress seemed to melt away.
For me personally, I rarely, if ever, have sinus issues or that feeling of “clogged head syndrome”, but on the particular morning I spent with Robert, my head was pulsing from the low-pressure system that came in on us. After getting situated, Robert’s light touch on various pressure points around my head immediately relieved the pressure. On a normal morning, after my 4th or 5th cup of coffee, I am wired up and running, but Robert advised not to have caffeine, so I was like a horse in his stall waiting for the gate to open. After 20 minutes, I was at ease with the world, stress-free, and more able to face the day’s challenges.
I highly recommend the Tibetan Cranial if you find yourself at Wilbur Hot Springs and Robert is also on the premises…I promise you won’t be disappointed!