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November 21-23 – Book your spot today.

Chef Marion Cascio grew up in Germany in a house full of cooks and began her training in her parents’ restaurant. Once of age, she studied classical culinary arts in Germany, where she apprenticed in fine French cuisine for three years and cooked in several fine dining restaurants and a health clinic. In 1997 she moved to Big Sur, where she co-created a farm and homestead, raised goats, chickens, and bees and managed an extensive garden. The vegetables, herbs, olive and fruit trees which she grew all became part of her cooking. While living in Big Sur, Marion worked at the Esalen Institute where she cooked and baked healthy and delicious meals for the guests fresh from the Esalen gardens. Marion’s legacy working at Esalen lives on in the Esalen Cookbook she helped create. Now based in Ashland, Oregon she runs her own catering company, Heartfull Catering, and travels extensively to cook at different destinations. She sources most of her ingredients from local organic farms.